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Kritika Reboot Shutting Down

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by EliteMMO, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. EliteMMO

    EliteMMO EliteMMO.com
    Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    Hello everyone,

    As expected, Kritika is shutting down again after around 2 years of lifespan. This isn't really a surprise as most Korean games like this are generally just flipped between producers and kept alive for 2-4 years as money grabs. Sadly, Kritika saw the same typical outcome with this kind of game where there is no actual effort put into making the game enjoyable, but instead, focuses on how many ways they can take money from players.

    Here's a pic of the announcement:

    Once the game shuts down fully, I will take EliteMMO offline for the time being until I have time to work on another game/games. Our Discord will remain open for general game chat and sharing of other cheats/info/etc. if users wish to stick around. :)

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