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[README] Testimonial Post Rules

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by EliteMMO, Jan 21, 2018.

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  1. EliteMMO

    EliteMMO EliteMMO.com
    Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    Hello everyone, while we are open to all feedback good or bad, we do ask that things follow some rules:
    • Posts should be mature, on-topic, and to the point.
    • Posts should not be trollish, immature, threatening, etc. in any manner.
    • Posts should give in-depth reasons why you liked/disliked our services.
    We reserve the right to delete any topics that do not follow these or the overall forum rules.
    We reserve the right to delete any topics for any reason as well.

    We will not delete negative reviews just because its a negative review.
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